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Answers − Plotting Quadratic Graphs 2

1.   Plot the graph y = 2x2 + 10x + 8 when x is −6, −3 and 0. There are also the coordinates (−5, 8), (−4, 0), (−2, −4), (−1, 0) and (1, 20)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 2x2 + 10x + 8

x −6 −3 0
x2 36 9 0
2x2 72 18 0
+ 10x −60 −30 0
+ 8 + 8 + 8 + 8
y 20 −4 8

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (−6, 20), (−5, 8), (−4, 0), (−3, −4), (−2, −4), (−1, 0), (0, 8) and (1, 20)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


2.   Plot the graph y = 3x2 + 21x + 18 when x = −8, −4 and 0. There are also the coordinates (−6, 0) and (−2, −12)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 3x2 + 21x + 18

x −8 −4 0
x2 64 16 0
3x2 192 48 0
+ 21x −168 −84 0
+ 18 + 18 + 18 + 18
y 42 −18 18

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (−8, 42), (−6, 0), (−4, −18), (−2, −12) and (0, 18)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


3.   Plot the graph y = 4x2 + 20x − 24 when x = −6, −2 and 2. There are also the coordinates (−4, −40) and (0, −24)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 4x2 + 20x − 24

x −6 −2 2
x2 36 4 4
4x2 144 16 16
+ 20x −120 −40 40
− 24 − 24 − 24 − 24
y 0 −48 32

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (−6, 0), (−4, −40), (−2, −48), (0, −24) and (2, 32)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


4.   Plot the graph y = 2x2 + 9x − 56 when x = −8, −2 and 4. There are also the coordinates (−6, −38), (−4, −60), (0, −56) and (2, −30)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 2x2 + 9x − 56

x −8 −2 4
x2 64 4 16
2x2 128 8 32
+ 9x −72 −18 36
− 56 − 56 − 56 − 56
y 0 −66 12

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (−8, 0), (−6, −38), (−4, −60), (−2, −66), (0, −56), (2, −30) and (4, 12)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


5.   Plot the graph y = 5x2 − 20x − 60 when x = −4, 2 and 8. There are also the coordinates (−2, 0), (0, −60), (4, −60) and (6, 0)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 5x2 − 20x − 60

x −4 2 8
x2 16 4 64
5x2 80 20 320
− 20x +80 −40 −160
− 60 − 60 − 60 − 60
y 100 −80 100

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (−4, 100), (−2, 0), (0, −60), (2, −80), (4, −60), (6, 0) and (8, 100)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


6.   Plot the graph y = 3x2 − 21x + 36 when x = 0, 3 and 6. There are also the coordinates (1, 18), (2, 6), (4, 0), (5, 6) and (7, 36)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 3x2 − 21x + 36

x 0 3 6
x2 0 9 36
3x2 0 27 108
− 21x 0 −63 −126
+ 36 + 36 + 36 + 36
y 36 0 18

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (0, 36), (1, 18), (2, 6), (3, 0), (4, 0), (5, 6), (6, 18) and (7, 36)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


7.   Plot the graph y = 3x2 − 40x + 48 when x = 0, 6 and 12. There are also the coordinates (2, −20), (4, −64), (8, −80), (10, −52) and (14, 76)

  (a) Using a table work out the values of y

      y = 3x2 − 40x + 48

x 0 6 12
x2 0 36 144
3x2 0 108 432
− 40x 0 −240 −480
+ 48 + 48 + 48 + 48
y 48 −84 0

  (b) The coordinates of the above are (0, 48), (2, −20), (4, −64), (6, −84), (8, −80), (10, −52), (12, 0) and (14, 76)

  (c) Plot the above coordinates and draw a line through these points


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