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Answers − Quadratic Sequences

1.   Work out the 11th term of the sequence 6, 9, 14, 21, 30, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term6 9 14 21 30
  1st differ.  +3 +5 +7 +9
  2nd differ.    +2 +2 +2

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  N21 4 9 16 25
  differ.+5 +5 +5 +5 +5
  Nth term6 9 14 21 30
  So the nth term = n2 + 5
(c)Work out the 11th term:

2.   Work out the 15th term of the sequence −3, 0, 5, 12, 21, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term−3 0 5 12 21
  1st differ.  +3 +5 +7 +9
  2nd differ.    +2 +2 +2

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  N21 4 9 16 25
  differ.−4 −4 −4 −4 −4
  Nth term−3 0 5 12 21
  So the nth term = n2 − 4
(c)Work out the 15th term:

3.   Work out the 17th term of the sequence −5, 1, 11, 25, 43, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term−5 1 11 25 43
  1st differ.  +6 +10 +14 +18
  2nd differ.    +4 +4 +4

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try 2n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  2n22 8 18 32 50
  differ.−7 −7 −7 −7 −7
  Nth term−5 1 11 25 43
  So the nth term = 2n2 − 7
(c)Work out the 17th term:

4.   Work out the 9th term of the sequence 14, 20, 30, 44, 62, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term14 20 30 44 62
  1st differ.  +6 +10 +14 +18
  2nd differ.    +4 +4 +4

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try 2n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  2n22 8 18 32 50
  differ.+12 +12 +12 +12 +12
  Nth term14 20 30 44 62
  So the nth term = 2n2 + 12
(c)Work out the 9th term:

5.   Work out the 20th term of the sequence 10, 19, 34, 55, 82, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term10 19 34 55 82
  1st differ.  +9 +15 +21 +27
  2nd differ.    +6 +6 +6

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try 3n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  3n23 12 27 48 75
  differ.+7 +7 +7 +7 +7
  Nth term10 19 34 55 82
  So the nth term = 3n2 + 7
(c)Work out the 20th term:

6.   Work out the 19th term of the sequence −9, 0, 15, 36, 63, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term−9 0 15 36 63
  1st differ.  +9 +15 +21 +27
  2nd differ.    +6 +6 +6

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try 3n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  3n23 12 27 48 75
  differ.−12 −12 −12 −12 −12
  Nth term−9 0 15 36 63
  So the nth term = 3n2 − 12
(c)Work out the 19th term:

7.   Work out the 21st term of the sequence 14, 23, 38, 59, 86, ...

(a)Work out the difference between each term
  N1 2 3 4 5
  Nth term14 23 38 59 86
  1st differ.  +9 +15 +21 +27
  2nd differ.    +6 +6 +6

(b)Work out the formula
As the 2nd difference is the same the sequence is a quadratic, try 3n2
  N1 2 3 4 5
  3n23 12 27 48 75
  differ.+11 +11 +11 +11 +11
  Nth term14 23 38 59 86
  So the nth term = 3n2 + 11
(c)Work out the 21st term:

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