High School Maths Examples and Questions

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Questions − Mean of Continuous Data

1.  Following is the Weight of a random item. Work out Sum Σ of f, fx and the Mean
Weight kgFrequency f
2 < W ≤ 54
5 < W ≤ 88
8 < W ≤ 1110
11 < W ≤ 143

2.  Following is the cost of a fancy MP3 player. Work out Sum Σ of f, fx and the Mean
Cost £Frequency f
0 < C ≤ 502
50 < C ≤ 1008
100 < C ≤ 1507
150 < C ≤ 2003

3.  Below is the number of Gadgets in each household. Work out Sum Σ of f, fx and the Mean
Number of GadgetsFrequency f
0 < G ≤ 44
4 < G ≤ 810
8 < G ≤ 127
12 < G ≤ 163

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